Ok, thanks for the report. I will look into it soon, I have to dig a
bit into the module's internals... In the meanwhile, in order for you
to keep using it for your work, you might consider this: In the
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Cell documentation (inside
Spreadsheet::ParseExcel's man page), you have this:

       Cell class has these properties:

           Method Formatted value of that cell

       Val Original Value of that cell

So, if you do not ask for the cell value to be returned formatted (I
have to dig on what does this exactly mean), it works correctly:

$ perl -MSpreadsheet::ParseExcel -le 'print 

Just for the record: I got the same result here from creating an empty
spreadsheet with any given value in the A1 cell. I got the same
'GENERAL' having a red 1210 and having a simple default 1, I got the
right value if the A1 cell had a blank space in it.


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