On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 08:39:18PM +0200, Marc Haber wrote:

> > It just occurred to me while reviewing the open bugs that both your
> > network stanzas are called net1: could it be that that is the problem?
> I suspect this was an error when "anonymizing" the configuration. I
> don't remember any more and need to build a lab for reproduction of
> the image.
> This is going to take a while.

Don't worry: I was going to mark it wontfix since we agreed that it's
more of a problem with Linux answering ARP requests from all interfaces,
but then I spotted those two networks with the same name and I wanted to
double check.

I'll tag it wontfix then, since it does not seem to be something that
can be fixed in guessnet.



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