Michael A. Dickerson wrote:
I would much rather have the daapd package follow libhowl and
mdnsresponder to non-free, if that is really necessary, than leave it in
main with the zeroconf support hacked out. I know it is technically
possible to run daapd and publish the service yourself without zeroconf,
but it's far less useful that way. But, I am not a Debian developer yet
and I don't know how to do this. Should I just ask my sponsor to upload
the next revision to non-free?

I would sponsor your upload to non-free if your original DD doesn't want to.

As I use libhowl extensively I think it's a bit of a shame of not having it within main[1]. The technology works flawlessly and it is a nice way to discover network services. Porchdog Software might want to rewrite mDNSresponder in a BSD'ed fashion, instead of using Apple's code for Posix systems.

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
Debian Developer

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=289856

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