On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 12:06:57PM +0200, Stéphane Rosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
heard to say:
> Daniel Burrows wrote:
> >  What shell are you using?
> >  
> I use bash, version 3.1-4.

  Then I frankly haven't a clue what's going on.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ aptitude "show iproute"
Unknown command "show iproute"
 [help output...]
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ aptitude show iproute
Package: iproute

  This has always been how aptitude works, and I can't even imagine a
codepath that would produce the result you describe.

  Could you please save and chmod +x the attached script, and run the
following tests?

  (1) Run 'test.py show iproute'
        => should produce ['test.py', 'show', 'iproute']
  (2) Run 'test.py "show iproute"'
        => should produce ['test.py', 'show iproute']
  (3) Move the aptitude binary out of the way
      (mv /usr/bin/aptitude /usr/bin/aptitude.real)
  (4) Copy test.py to /usr/bin/aptitude
  (5) Run 'aptitude show iproute'
        => should produce ['aptitude', 'show', 'iproute']
  (6) Run 'aptitude "show iproute"'
        => should produce ['aptitude', 'show iproute']

  If these tests succeed, the only explanation I can think of is that you
have something seriously screwed up in your libc (which aptitude uses to
parse arguments).  If they fail, you have something seriously screwed up
in your shell and/or kernel.  There may be other possibilities, but I'm
not creative enough to arrive at them at the moment.


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