Sorry for the delay, exams time! :) On 7/3/06, Bdale Garbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is bug #210377 related? It's been a while, but I think I never felt that discussion reached a concensus on what makedev should do differently, if anything, and so I haven't acted on it yet.
I've been investigating a little, and this is the situation, as I see it: - lilo doesn't use makedev, creates 128 block devices with major 43 in /dev/nbd%d - makedev/sid (shell version), creates 8 block devices with major 43 in /dev/nb%d - makedev/experimental (C version), creates 128 block devices with major 43 in /dev/nb%d AND, /usr/share/doc/linux-doc-2.6.15/Documentation/devices.txt.gz says clearly: 43 block Network block devices 0 = /dev/nb0 First network block device 1 = /dev/nb1 Second network block device So, I think the sane thing would be to settle on the official registry way, which is using nbX without partitions. People using enbd can create devices with different names (enb%c%d?), and it could even be incorporated in makedev.d/enbd from the enbd package; and this should not make any problem. Of course, lilo has no excuse to ignore makedev :) The problem may be is that one's tempted to try MAKEDEV nbd, which doesn't work, and you may think that MAKEDEV has no nbd support. It is worth mentioning that the mknod in lilo.postinst spawns from #235805 -- Martín Ferrari