Hi Tobias,

I'm currently at the R conference so sorry for a delayed reply...

On 15 June 2006 at 19:02, Tobias Spranger wrote:
| Package: r-cran-foreign
| Version: 0.8.15-1
| The R-script "read.octave.R" is missing althrough the documentation in info, 
| html and tex format is contained in this paket. Please insert it again, or at 
| least, delete the documentation.

Could it be that you are confusing presence of a source file in the source
package -- which is of course still there in the _source_ -- with the
'parsed' file that is ready to run in the installed package? It is also there
but as a _function_  read.octave and not as a source file read.octave.R:

> > library(foreign)
> head(read.octave)
1 function (file)                               
2 {                                             
3     skip_lines_to_next_item <- function(con) {
4         looking <- TRUE                       
5         while (looking) {                     
6             line <- readLines(con, n = 1)     

So no bug as far as I can tell.


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