On 2025-02-23 14:15, Cordell Bloor wrote:
To fix this bug for Bookworm and Noble, we should probably remove /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/hiprtc/* from libamdhip64-dev. Calls to find_package(hiprtc) should fail when libhiprtc.so is not available on the system. Unlike a broken or oddly-defined target, user software can handle a failing find_package call cleanly through standard mechanisms. This is important, as we do not want user code encountering this problem to have to resort to distribution-specific workarounds.
The alternative would be to add a libhiprtc5 package that libamdhip64-dev can depend on. That is arguably a safer solution, as find_package(hiprtc) currently succeeds and users only encounter an error when they try to link against the hiprtc::hiprtc target. User programs that do a find_package call, but don't actually use the result could change behaviour if the hiprtc-config.cmake were removed.
In any case, the good news is that it turns out this bug does not affect Bookworm. That makes things a lot easier. We really only need to worry about Trixie (and I will handle the Stable Release Update to fix Noble).
Sincerely, Cory Bloor