* Marc Haber <mh+debian-packa...@zugschlus.de> [250223 09:44]:
> Try this patch please

Seems to work for me, see below.


Test situation (all inside podman):


# mmdebstrap --variant=minbase --mode=root --skip=chroot/mount/proc 
--include=adduser,wget,patch --chrooted-customize-hook='adduser --system foo' 
unstable /dev/null
W: cannot mount because CAP_SYS_ADMIN is not in the effective set
I: skipping chroot/mount/proc as requested
I: running --chrooted-customize-hook in shell: sh -c 'adduser --system foo'
Can't open /proc/self/status: No such file or directory at 
/usr/share/perl5/Debian/AdduserLogging.pm line 118.
E: setup failed: E: command failed: adduser --system foo


# mmdebstrap --variant=minbase --mode=root --skip=chroot/mount/proc 
--include=adduser,wget,patch --chrooted-customize-hook='sed -e "sXdie 
.*/proc/self/status:.*;Xreturn 0;X" -i 
/usr/share/perl5/Debian/AdduserLogging.pm' --chrooted-customize-hook='grep 
proc/self/status /usr/share/perl5/Debian/AdduserLogging.pm' 
--chrooted-customize-hook='adduser --system foo' unstable /dev/null
W: cannot mount because CAP_SYS_ADMIN is not in the effective set
I: skipping chroot/mount/proc as requested
I: running --chrooted-customize-hook in shell: sh -c 'sed -e "sXdie
.*/proc/self/status:.*;Xreturn 0;X" -i
I: running --chrooted-customize-hook in shell: sh -c 'grep proc/self/status 
    open my $fh, '<', '/proc/self/status' or return 0;
I: running --chrooted-customize-hook in shell: sh -c 'adduser --system foo'
I: cleaning package lists and apt cache...

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