I did a bit more reading, and learned that md does store a signature
on the drive, so I tried blanking the MBRs on both drives. For some
reason, this didn't work -- but blanking the drives completely did
resolve the problem. The md arrays are now detected and mounted
properly, and the system boots and runs.

There must have been some latent md array configuration on those
drives. I wish that the installer/partitioner could have noticed this.
In particular, when it prompts me to create a partition table on a
drive that doesn't seem to have one, could it check for any
drive-level md signatures and remove them?

I should also mention that during installation, I got a couple of "The
device is already open" error messages, after configuring software
RAID, while starting the partitioner the second time. I'll attach a
gzipped copy of /var/log/installer/syslog

The grub configuration is still wrong, as noted yesterday: I have to
change "root (hd0,0)" to "root (hd0,1)". I would guess that the grub
package is to blame for this?

Let me know if you need any further info here, or if you want me to do
another test.

-- graham

Attachment: syslog.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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