Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>

* Package name    : stateless-openpgp-docs
  Version         : 13.0
  Upstream Author : Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
* URL or Web page :
* License         : CC0-1.0
  Programming lang: English
  Description     : Documentation for the Stateless OpenPGP interface

Provide manual pages and some example testing scripts that should apply
for any implementation of the Stateless OpenPGP interface.

sopv is the verification-only subset of the Stateless OpenPGP interface,
and we have at least four implementations in debian already (gosop,
sqop/sqopv, sopv-gpgv, and rsop/rsopv), which use /etc/alternatives to
point to `sopv` in the $PATH.  (pgpainless-cli might become a fifth when
an updated version is packaged)

In and,
Guillem observed that it's not straightforward to just "man sopv" for
someone who wants to verify OpenPGP signatures with this setup.

In the subsequent discussion on #1093053, we hit on some complications
for the obvious route of linking to the various implementation
manpages, so i think it's better to ship manpages for the shape of the
generic interface separately from any of the implementations.

This package will ship generic sopv manpages (applicable to any sopv
implementation).  It will also ship some example scripts that exercise
any sopv interface. This should be useful for test suites for the
various sopv interfaces, to make sure that they continue to interoperate
as the rest of the OpenPGP infrastructure evolves.

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