Source: netperfmeter Version: 1.9.6-1 Tags: patch upstream User: Usertags: ftcbfs
netperfmeter fails to cross build from source, because it uses CHECK_C_SOURCE_RUNS twice. While the first invocation really benefits from running code, the second invocation merely validates a few compile time constants. The test does not degrade by using CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES instead. The latter macro is compatible with cross compilation though. I'm attaching a patch for it. This does not make netperfmeter cross buildable out of the box, but it reduces the configuration a builder has to supply to USES_IEEEFP_FP_EXITCODE, so please close the bug once improving this aspect. Helmut
--- netperfmeter-1.9.6.orig/CMakeLists.txt +++ netperfmeter-1.9.6/CMakeLists.txt @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ # ###### DCCP support ####################################################### -CHECK_C_SOURCE_RUNS(" +CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(" #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h>