Hi Eric,

thanks for explaining whats' going on here, now I also understand the need for your other "weird" dependencies.

On 2/11/25 12:32, Eric Long wrote:
`extract-linux` from kernel source code tries to do it at first (it only supports bzImage, so another custom binary runs to extract vmlinux from zImage, etc.). -cloud variant of kernel compresses with LZ4 unlike XZ found in other variants, and `extract-linux` fails without lz4 installed in the chroot.

That wasn't obvious from the error message I got.

To support all kernel compression methods, I included lz4, xz-utils and others in mimic-dkms' Recommends.

Seems like autopkgtest does not bring in recommended packages,

intentionally ;-)

and xz is brought in by other packages that Depends on it.

You don't need to care about xz-utils:
mimic-dkms -> dkms -> dpkg-dev -> xz-utils

How should I make it work? Should I include lz4 and xz-utils in Depends rather than Recommends, or is there a way to bring in extra packages in autopkgtest?

While we could add extra dependencies for the autopkgtest, I'm not sure whether that's the right way. I think you should promote lz4 (and any other compressor used for official linux-image-*, but I doubt there are more) to Depends s.t. your package works out-of-the box for all official Debian kernel images. All other decompressors that could be used by other kernel builds can stay in Recommends.

mimic-dkms + Depends has a footprint of 43.7 MB on a really minimal amd64 chroot, lz4 has a footprint of additional 274kb, so that is negligible.

I'm going to try again with lz4 and on more architectures ...


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