On Mon, Feb 10 2025, Chris Hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2025 at 10:02:25AM -0800, Jameson Graef Rollins wrote:
>> I intend to orphan the cereal package.  The cereal project is no
>> longer maintained upstream.
> Thanks for filing an O: bug. Does this mean you consider the project
> to also not be useful anymore?
> I see the linked homepage does not work anymore. Do you think Debian
> should thus become upstream for this project?
> Or, should the package be removed from Debian?

Hi Chris.  I and dkg are upstream on cereal.  Unfortunately neither of
us has time to continue to maintain the project.  The technology used is
a bit stale at this point, and it should be updated to use systemd
instead of runit if the project were to continue.  Given the update work
required to keep this project viable, I do not think Debian should
become upstream, and it should just be removed from Debian.

dkg may have other thoughts, but I'll let him comment if he'd like.


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