On Sun, Jan 26, 2025 at 08:20:56PM +0200, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> su 26.1.2025 klo 20.09 Colin Watson (cjwat...@debian.org) kirjoitti:
> > That's about DH moduli rather than host key sizes, right?  That feels
> > somewhat different, because we just ship upstream's moduli file as a
> > conffile, so providing any debconf-style control over that would be very
> > difficult to do in a policy-compliant way.  (I'm also not sure what the
> > compatibility implications are of dropping the smaller primes; I assume
> > there must be some or upstream would probably have done it already ...)
> openssh-server: /etc/ssh/moduli
> In principle, this is in the /etc hierarchy, so it should be possible
> to treat it like a config and explicitly skip overwriting it with a
> debconf question, if we have modified the file such as by removing low
> primes.

Not without migrating it away from being a dpkg-managed conffile, which
introduces a considerable amount of maintainer script complexity.

debconf questions (or any other kind of maintainer-script-driven changes
to configuration files) cannot coexist gracefully with dpkg management
of conffiles.  They only work with non-dpkg-managed configuration files.

> > > For what it's worth, I fully agree with Colin that some of Joe Testa's
> > > recommended hardening measures lack proper justification. Damien
> > > Miller noticed the same thing, when I recently asked him to comment on
> > > the recommendations.
> >
> > Are those comments somewhere public so that I can look at them?
> No, I just directly e-mailed Damien asking him whether he agreed with
> the recommendations 'ssh-audit' makes. He wasn't aware of the
> existence of the tool or the hardening guide. His initial impression
> was that some recommendations are perplexing. For instance, he doesn't
> understand Joe's recommendation against ECDH kex being justified by
> "heavy suspicion in the community that it is backdoored by a 3-letter
> agency."

Yeah, at this point I'm not inclined to treat ssh-audit as having any
special authority.  It's mostly just one person's recommendations, which
may or may not be good on their own individual merits - but I don't
intend to accept it as a target to work towards in general.

Colin Watson (he/him)                              [cjwat...@debian.org]

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