Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Carsten Schoenert <>

* Package name    : python-minijinja
  Version         : 2.5.0
  Upstream Contact: Armin Ronacher <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Experimental Python binding of the Rust MiniJinja template 

 MiniJinja is a powerful but minimal dependency template engine for Rust which
 is based on the syntax and behavior of the Jinja2 template engine for Python.
 It’s implemented on top of serde. The goal is to be able to render a large
 chunk of the Jinja2 template ecosystem from Rust with a minimal engine and
 to leverage an already existing ecosystem of editor integrations.
 minijinja-py (intended to get packaged as python3-minijinja) is an
 experimental binding of MiniJinja
 ( to Python. It has somewhat
 limited functionality compared to the Rust version. These bindings use
 maturin ( and pyo3 (
 You might want to use MiniJinja instead of Jinja2 when the full feature set
 of Jinja2 is not required and you want to have the same rendering experience
 of a data set between Rust and Python.
 With these bindings MiniJinja can render some Python objects and values
 that are passed to templates, but there are clear limitations with regards
 to what can be done.

This package depends on librust-minijinja-dev to prevent doubled source
code handling for the Python bindings.
The Python library is hardly depending on the version of the 
package. Even if upstream has released version 2.6.0 recently I'm
packaging version 2.5.0 to fit this dependency.

This package is needed to get some additional tests from the packages
litestar and strawberry-graphql running, both packages are not in the
archive yet.

litestar and strawberry-graphql are indirect dependency for NetBox >=

I plan to maintain this package within the DPT.


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