Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Pete Ryland <>

* Package name    : haskell-language-server
  Version         :
  Upstream Contact: Alan Zimmerman <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache 2.0
  Programming Lang: Haskell
  Description     : The official Haskell language server (LSP) implementation

The Haskell Language Server (HLS) project is an implementation of a server that
is compliant with the Language Server Protocol (LSP).

A language server talks to a client (typically an editor), which can ask the
server to perform various operations, such as reporting errors or providing code
completions. The advantage of this system is that clients and servers can
interoperate more easily so long as they all speak the LSP protocol. In the case
of HLS, that means that it can be used with many different editors, since editor
support for the LSP protocol is now widespread.

I would maintain this package within the Debian Haskell Group, and would require
a sponsor for the upload from the team.

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