ruby-defaults/1:3.3~0 was uploaded to experimental with ruby3.3 as the default and removing ruby3.1.

I generated a list of package to rebuild using the following ben file:

title = "ruby3.3-default";
is_affected = (.depends ~ /ruby3.1/ | .depends ~ /ruby3.3/) & !.source ~ /^(ruby3.1|ruby3.3|ruby-defaults)$/;
is_good = ! .depends ~ /ruby3.1/ & .depends ~ /ruby3.3/;
is_bad = .depends ~ /ruby3.1/;

I rebuilt all of them using ruby-defaults from experimental. You can see the results here as usual:

From the build 20 onward, all builds are related to this new round of rebuilds. The summary is:

- 20 build failures
  + 2 bug reports with patches (uwsgi and vim-command-t)
  + 2  packages with fixes uploaded to the archive already (puma and ruby-mpi)   + libse{linux,manage} are FTBFSing but unrelated to the ruby transition. A problem with SWIG and python   + All the other packages were already removed from testing, so not blocking the migration

With that in mind, I'd like to request the permission to start this second part of the transition in unstable.

Lucas Kanashiro

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