Hello Adam. First of all, I would like to offer my deepest apologies for the automated emails you saw.
The server where the mirror is located was not reflected because it was being upgraded. It has already been activated and I ask you to check it. Also can we replace "supp...@ourhost.az" with "mir...@ourhost.az" in this correspondence? This is to avoid auto-replies and to use a more accurate email. -- Best regards, Orkhan. ---------------------------------------------- Sorğu ID: #123849 Başlıq: Bug#1091372 closed by "Adam D. Barratt" (Re: Bug#1091372: mirror submission for mirror.ourhost.az) [Birləşdirildi] Status: Cavab verildi Sorğu URL: https://my.ourhost.az/viewticket.php?tid=123849&c=aNvyDJ23 ----------------------------------------------