Hello Michael.

On 1/9/25 12:55, Michael Biebl wrote:
Am 08.01.25 um 19:44 schrieb Chris Knadle:
Hello, Michael.

I'm emailing again because I've tried again to follow the suggestions that were made for this bug, and it is not working.

On 11/22/24 06:09, Michael Biebl wrote:
Again, I don't understand why you try to fiddle with debian/rules and variables in .install files (don't do that)
The directive here is to avoid using variables in the .install file.
You install systemd-dev (including systemd.pc), the build system picks up the paths from systemd.pc via pkgconf and installs the files into the correct paths. All you need to do in .install is reference the now correct paths.

Then the directive here is to reference a "correct path" in the .install file, which presumably is in a variable. (?) Or, whatever the "correct path" is meant to mean, I don't know what that is and cannot interpret it.

No, all you are supposed to do in your .install files is to use the correct paths

There's several ways to do things in .install files, I don't think "supposed to" fits here. It seems like you're expecting this issue to be handled a certain way and for someone else to do what you expect.


I tried this after adding systemd-dev as a build dependency none of that works.

From the build log:


dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "usr/lib/systemd/system/mumble-server.service" (tried in ., debian/tmp)

dh_install: warning: mumble-server missing files: usr/lib/systemd/system/mumble-server.service dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "usr/lib/sysusers.d/mumble-server.conf" (tried in ., debian/tmp)

dh_install: warning: mumble-server missing files: usr/lib/sysusers.d/mumble-server.conf dh_install: warning: Cannot find (any matches for) "usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/mumble-server.conf" (tried in ., debian/tmp)

dh_install: warning: mumble-server missing files: usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/mumble-server.conf

The upstream build system is supposed to install the files directly into those paths as they are defined in /usr/share/pkgconfig/systemd.pc. Those paths should be queried by the build system via pkgconfig and not be hard-coded.

If it doesn't do that, then there is a bug in the upstream build system and you should report it as such to upstream.

I don't think I understand this issue well enough to explain to upstream what they /have the option/ to do about this. If you feel strongly about this then I would appreciate it if you would write to them about it, instead of expecting me to do something you want. My main contact with upstream is Davide Beatrici <m...@davidebeatrici.dev>

This is *not* a Debian packaging issue!

That's one point of view. And simultaneously this concerns the Debian package specifically about how to ship certain files in it. To me that seems like it's fundamentally a Debian packaging issue.


   -- Chris

Chris Knadle

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