On 2023-12-06 08:32:49, Martin wrote:
> Hi Antoine,
> I'm started here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/pass-secret-service
> So far, it doesn't work for me.
> Maybe I'm missing sth. about D-Bus activation?
> Any help appreciated, because I'm a little bit short on time.
> Cheers
> Btw. I tested with Gajim, which uses python3-keyring, and configured

So I've just been told an almost identically named package exists,
written in Rust with a bespoke pass implementation that talks directly
with gpg:


I'm not familiar enough with rust packaging to tell whether it
works. But anyway, thought I would mention it. :)

I have tried keepassxc as a secrets provider, and it doesn't work until
keepassxc is running and unlocked.

I did find out how to test this more easily than "fire up an app and see
what happens". Here's how to store a secret named "test" with attributes
"key=value", the actual secret is prompted.

$ secret-tool store --label test key value

When keepassxc is not running, I get:

secret-tool: The name org.freedesktop.secrets was not provided by any .service 

To retrieve that secret, I need:

$ secret-tool lookup key value

So this works while keepassxc is started, but from supersonic, i get:

2025/01/01 21:45:32 error getting password from keyring: 


Fluffychat, for some reason, can fetch the credentials from keepassxc
properly. go figure.

anyways, all this to say that "this doesn't work" might not be the fault
of your package, it seems implementation can fail on both sides here,
although I haven't seen the supersonic problems with gnome-keyring...

Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and
                       -  Robert A. Heinlein

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