Control: severity -1 grave

Hello all,

as stated here in this bugreport, docker-compose V1 is deprecated and
doesn't receive any upstream support for quite some time already: the
currently present 1.29.2 is from 2021-05-10, cf.
<>, and as
of July 2023 the Compose V1 specification stopped receiving updates, cf.

As such, I am now raising this bug's severity to RC level to prevent the
package from remigrating to Testing until this is fixed, even if #1084703
might get fixed which has already caused the package to be removed from
Testing. For those still needing this package as it currently is, please
note that it will remain part of Bookworm, i.e. the current Debian
stable release.

Please also note that this should not deter anyone trying to package the
newer upstream releases. Thanks a lot for your efforts, packaging a Go
application with such a bunch of dependencies is no trival task.


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