On 2024-12-19 23:22, Simon Josefsson wrote:
Thanks.  I have added your username to salsa and pushed the repo, and
have uploaded the package into NEW.  Pipeline looks fine:


Yes thank you very much.

It would be nice to use https:// instead of insecure git:// in

right, I thought about that, but given that Savannah's git servers has been hammered very hard since August, package.d.o and downstream distros like ubuntu scans upstream vcs at least everyday, and that git tags are gpg signed now, I chose to stay with git://. Maybe in the future when Savannah becomes load-balanced (planned?) or the whole "abuse" situation improves, we can switch to https://.

and even if better if upstream could be convinced to setup
a project page suitable as a Homepage: URL.

ha, I see if I can convince Bob and others to set up a single page etc., which can serve as documentation or something.


Jing Luo
About me: https://jing.rocks/about/
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