Control: tags -1 + patch


On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 02:11:27PM +0200, Sergey Popov wrote:
> Dear Maintainer,
> Running far2l via the packaged 'far2l.desktop' file makes it spawn a
> terminal emulator window and only then an actual far2l-wx app.
> Looks like it's caused by a downstream 'terminal-application-see977807'
> patch, which sets 'Terminal=true' line in 'far2l.desktop' file.
> The problem is that both a gui package (far2l-wx) and a terminal one
> (far2l) are built from the same source package, so I'm not sure if
> there's a way to apply the patch only when building far2l package, but
> not far2l-wx.

The solution is to use distinct desktop files for terminal and WX versions.

I created a merge request on salsa to implement it:

Dmitry Shachnev

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