Control: reassign -1 calamares 3.3.11-1

Hi Jonathan and Aaron,

On Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 10:48:47PM -0600, Aaron Rainbolt wrote:
> This is because of a module that moved from calamares-extensions to
> calamares. calamares-extensions 3.3.11 solves the issue, however a
> tarball of it hasn't been published yet. I've pinged the Calamares
> developers to see if a full release of calamares-extensions 3.3.11 can
> be made. Once that's done and packaged up, this should no longer be a
> problem.

I am reassigning the bug back to calamares. As much as fixing the
problem may require an upload of calamares-extensions, an upload of
calamares-extensions will not fix the problem that is being reported
here. As calamares is taking over a file, it must declare Breaks and
Replaces (against the old version that already exists), so a sourceful
upload of calamares is required for fixing it.

Please do not repurpose this bug for the necessary clamares-extensions
upload, because doing so confuses dumat and will make it file a
duplicate. If you want to track the issue in calamares-extensions
separately, that's fine. Just make a new bug. You may even block this
bug by your new bug. Having two bugs also nicely corresponds to the need
for two uploads to settle the matter.

I hope you agree with this explanation and with my revert of Jonathan's


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