On 2024-11-19 15:09, Helmut Grohne wrote:

Thank you for clarifying. Indeed you are arguing that dxvk is one of
those rare packages like wine-development, gcc-snapshot and a few others
that we use for developing unstable but never want to migrate to a
stable release.

The situation has changed, but I failed to see it since wine-development is way older than wine-stable now; that does not make much sense to me but anyway, now dxvk is also absent from Ubuntu (#1077188) and I decided to give a try to switching to stable. It worked so this bug won't be necessary once we're past NEW.

tagged). So rather than concluding that there was a lack of effort, I
suggest that you allow for the occasional mistake in analysis and I am
really happy that you caught this one before it caused any damage. The
process was intetionally set up to include delays and thus allow
maintainer reviews.

Indeed that was not very nice, I'm sorry.
The delay is a good idea. I fear that showed me how behind I am in my Debian work and I was angry (at me).

Marc Dequènes

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