reopen 1002883

Hi, (2024-10-16 at 1509.02 +0000):
>    * Deal with Unicode v15
>      Closes: #1002883, #930315
>    * Add debian/README.source explaining how to upgrade to latest Unicode 
> version

Thank you!

Lastest is v16, released months ago. ;) I think the README.source
instructions would be complete by including the awk command
somehow. With new releases the code must get the changes from
UnicodeData.txt ( and Blocks.txt (currently awk
oneliner). Remember:

> Now I provide the patch, via Debian, to support Unicode v14 by again
> following the instructions included in README:
> ---8<---
> Uniname may be updated by obtaining a new version of the file UnicodeData.txt
> from the Unicode consortium ( and executing
> the command:
> awk -f genunames.awk < UnicodeData.txt > unames.c
> --->8---
> But other file has no helper tool, first time I did it mostly manually
> and it was boring and error prone:
> ---8<---
> If Unicde ranges are added you will also need to update the file unirange.c.
> Then recompile.
> --->8---
> For this unirange.c I recently wrote a script to perform the
> update. It depends on bash, sed, printf, and other shell tools,
> instead of awk as the unames.c one. Just run it in source main
> directory, with path to Blocks.txt as single argument.

Also I am trying to understand the logic behind the small changes you
did to the script. It seems once you have the unicode-data package
installed, you can not override it by passing a file. And the top
comment looks a bit misleading with no blank lines.

So I propose a new script version, and a second script wrapping the
awk line. Then instructions in README.source could be:
You can change the code to support a given Unicode version by getting
the data files from ... /ucd/, or
lastest version avaliable in Debian, and running two scripts

   sudo apt install unicode-data  # or download .txt files by hand
   debian/ [optional/path/to/Blocks.txt]
   debian/ [optional/path/to/UnicodeData.txt]


With all this I think you can support v16 and have a 2.28-2 truly up
to date. See attached files. And I hope that when v17 is released
(next year, I suppose), you should be able to update everything
yourself using the two scripts alone, maybe even automatize at build


Description: Bourne shell script

Description: Bourne shell script

Attachment: uniutils-2.28-unicode16.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

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