Control: retitle -1 libssh-4 (0.11.1) lets qemu fail to access disk images via 

Hello Martin,
Hello Qemu Maintainers,

On Thu, 2024-11-07 at 10:32 +0100, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Control: tag -1 upstream
> Control: forwarded -1
> Hello Sven,
> Sven Geuer [2024-10-21 12:13 +0200]:
> > To reproduce the issue on a amd64 machine
> > * make sure you have sshd running
> > * make sure sure can ssh to localhost
> > * make sure you have ssh-agent running and preloaded with your private key
> > * apt install qemu-system-x86
> Plus qemu-block-extra.
> > * download and unpack the amd64-pc disk image from 
> >
> > * cd to the dqib_amd64-pc directory resulting from unpacking
> This isn't even necessary, i.e. the precise contents of the image doesn't seem
> to matter. I could reproduce with
>   qemu-img create -f qcow2 /tmp/test.qcow2 1G
> and trying to boot that.
> I forwarded your report upstream. However, I suspect we'll just have to 
> rebuild
> qemu against that newer libssh version. This isn't something that I'm able to
> patch on the Debian side.

Meanwhile I reviewed parts of the Qemu sources and came to the
conclusion that Qemu calls libssh only as intended by libssh upstream,
I could not detect any direct access to the changed structs. So,
rebuilding Qemu might not be enough.

May I ask the Debian QEMU Team to help to track down what is causing
the error?


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