Dear Maintainer,

I've been using awesome wm but want to switch to wayland,
wayfire seems to be a suitable replacement. However, I need
focus-follows-mouse for my workflow, thus I need

I created a package for my own needs, but it's my first
attempt at packaging. I want to share my results in the
hope someone will finish the work. (See attachment.)
Just run "uscan -dd" to download the upstream source
and then "sbuild". The resulting package works for me.


- The upstream github project uses git subprojects and the
build fails when using incorrect versions of these subprojects,
it must use the versions given in the git subproject metadata.
But I found no way to get this version data and download
the correct versions automatically using the watch file.
After some time I realized the github release tar.gz
doesn't include the subprojects, but the tar.xz does.
Thus my watch file downloads the tar.xz and the rules
file enables the build of all subprojects.

- wayfire-plugins-extra includes wayfire-shadows as
a subproject, which alread has been packaged separately.

Best Regards,

Attachment: wayfire-plugins-extra_0.9.0-1.debian.tar.xz
Description: application/xz

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