On Mon, Nov 04, 2024 at 05:21:16PM +0000, Mark Hindley wrote:
> Athanasius,
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2024 at 04:53:20PM +0000, Athanasius wrote:
> >   It's possible the *actual* issue I'm running into is that the if-up.d
> > script being named `mountnfs` causes a mistaken checking about
> > `init.d/mountnfs.sh` ?
> Maybe -- since you are running systemd, I am not the best person to help.
> I know the systemd maintainers dislike having bin:initscripts installed with
> systemd. So my first suggestsion is to remove it and sysv-rc and then reassess
> the behaviour. You should then be able to target any bug report better.


1. Disabled my custom /etc/dhcpcd.exit-hook script
2. `apt remove --purge initscripts`
3. Edited `/etc/fstab` to ensure the NFS mounts are `auto`, not

The NFS mounts have now worked on two consecutive boots, apparently
without issue.  So, I guess something with having `initscripts`
installed *was* interfering with the systemd mechanisms for ensuring
such mounts occur under DHCP (specifically when using dhcpcd).

  I don't recall doing anything manual/special to keep `initscripts`
installed on the Bullseye to Bookworm upgrade.

- Athanasius (he/him) = Athanasius(at)miggy.org / https://miggy.org/
                  GPG/PGP Key: https://miggy.org/gpg-key
           "And it's me who is my enemy. Me who beats me up.
Me who makes the monsters. Me who strips my confidence." Paula Cole - ME

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