On Mon, Nov 04, 2024 at 12:39:07PM +0000, Athanasius wrote:
>   I'll see about instrumenting if-up.d/mountnfs some more to see if can
> ascertain *why* it's not working.

  So, this all looks to be because:

12:49:45 0$ systemctl -p LoadState --value show mountnfs.service

which is something that is checked when the if-up.d/mountnfs line:

. /lib/lsb/init-functions

is run, which invokes:

. /lib/lsb/init-functions.d/40-systemd

which then performs that check.

  So, this whole thing has been a red herring, caused by some other
configuration issue on my system.  I'll go investigate that.

  Obviously this bug can be closed.
- Athanasius (he/him) = Athanasius(at)miggy.org / https://miggy.org/
                  GPG/PGP Key: https://miggy.org/gpg-key
           "And it's me who is my enemy. Me who beats me up.
Me who makes the monsters. Me who strips my confidence." Paula Cole - ME

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