Package: src:vim
Version: 2:9.1.0777-1
Severity: important
Tags: ftbfs

Dear maintainer:

During a rebuild of all packages in unstable, your package failed to build:

 debian/rules binary
dh binary
   debian/rules override_dh_auto_configure-arch
make[1]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
[ -f debian/configure.dist ] || cp src/auto/configure debian/configure.dist
/usr/bin/make -C src autoconf
make[2]: Entering directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src'
rm -f auto/config.cache
if test "Xautoconf" != "Xclean" \
        -a "Xautoconf" != "Xdistclean" \
        -a "Xautoconf" != "Xautoconf" \

[... snipped ...]

Executed Test_readwrite_file_with_bom()            in   0.059814 seconds
Executed Test_saveas()                             in   0.017707 seconds
Executed Test_wq_quitpre_autocommand()             in   0.004107 seconds
Executed Test_write_acwrite_error()                in   0.001095 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.Xwaefile.swp']
Executed Test_write_autocmd_add_remove_lines()     in   0.009980 seconds
Executed Test_write_autocmd_unloadbuf_lockmark()   in   0.001324 seconds
Executed Test_write_backup_symlink()               in   0.013788 seconds
Executed Test_write_binary_file()                  in   0.008661 seconds
Executed Test_write_defer_delete_chdir()           in   0.002423 seconds
Executed Test_write_errors()                       in   0.004916 seconds
Executed Test_write_file_encoding()                in   0.000582 seconds
Executed Test_write_file_mtime()                   in   1.928315 seconds
Executed Test_write_invalid_encoding()             in   0.002239 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.Xiefile.swp']
Executed Test_write_pipe_to_cmd()                  in   0.007785 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_write_quit_split()                   in   0.056138 seconds
Executed Test_write_readonly()                     in   0.009572 seconds
Executed Test_write_readonly_dir()                 in   0.009230 seconds
Executed Test_write_utf16()                        in   0.004197 seconds
Executed Test_write_with_deferred_delete()         in   0.004189 seconds
Executed Test_write_with_xattr_support()           in   0.000466 seconds
Executed Test_writefile()                          in   0.011538 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_autowrite()                in   0.008198 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_autowrite_nowrite()        in   0.002246 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_fails_conversion()         in   0.020850 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_fails_conversion2()        in   0.008994 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_fails_gently()             in   0.000474 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_ignore_regexp_error()      in   0.003456 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_sync_arg()                 in   0.003143 seconds
Executed Test_writefile_sync_dev_stdout()          in   0.000451 seconds
Executed 33 tests                        in   2.385377 seconds
SKIPPED Test_write_file_encoding(): only works on MS-Windows
SKIPPED Test_write_with_xattr_support(): setfattr program not executable

From test_xdg.vim:
Executed Test_xdg_rc_detection()                   in   0.032562 seconds
Executed Test_xdg_runtime_files()                  in   0.103843 seconds
Executed Test_xdg_version()                        in   0.001090 seconds
Executed Test_zzz_xdg_runtime_files()              in   0.000242 seconds
Executed 4 tests                         in   0.145934 seconds
SKIPPED Test_zzz_xdg_runtime_files(): cannot start the GUI

From test_xxd.vim:
Executed Test_xxd()                                in   0.229622 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_bit_dump()                       in   0.004267 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_buffer_overflow()                in   0.011218 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_c0_is_def_cols()                 in   0.092282 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_color()                          in   0.014166 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_color2()                         in   0.173918 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_ignore_garbage()                 in   0.004665 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_little_endian_with_cols()        in   0.012689 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_max_cols()                       in   0.036698 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_min_cols()                       in   0.060127 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_patch()                          in   0.059981 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_patch_with_bitdump()             in   0.033579 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_plain_one_line()                 in   0.014275 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_revert_bit_dump()                in   0.008221 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_roundtrip_large_bit_dump()       in   0.004407 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_usage()                          in   0.036123 seconds
Executed Test_xxd_version()                        in   0.004245 seconds
Executed 17 tests                        in   0.824669 seconds

From test_zip_plugin.vim:
NO tests executed
SKIPPED test_zip_plugin.vim: unzip program not executable

From test_alot_latin.vim:
Executed Test_backref()                            in   0.000529 seconds
Executed Test_column_success_failure()             in   0.000495 seconds
Executed Test_compare_column_matchstr()            in   0.000421 seconds
Executed Test_compare_columns()                    in   0.000399 seconds
Executed Test_eow_with_optional()                  in   0.000237 seconds
Executed Test_equivalence_re1()                    in   0.052493 seconds
Executed Test_equivalence_re2()                    in   0.057909 seconds
Executed Test_get_equi_class()                     in   0.000476 seconds
Executed Test_lookbehind_across_line()             in   0.000395 seconds
Executed Test_matching_curpos()                    in   0.019231 seconds
Executed Test_matching_marks()                     in   0.000788 seconds
Executed Test_matching_pos()                       in   0.001627 seconds
Executed Test_matching_visual_area()               in   0.000570 seconds
Executed Test_matchstr_with_ze()                   in   0.000385 seconds
Executed Test_multi_failure()                      in   0.000261 seconds
Executed Test_nested_backrefs()                    in   0.000417 seconds
Executed Test_out_of_memory()                      in   0.003956 seconds
Executed Test_pattern_compile_speed()              in   0.183862 seconds
Executed Test_range_with_newline()                 in   0.000516 seconds
Executed Test_recursive_addstate()                 in   0.008371 seconds
Executed Test_recursive_substitute()               in   0.000422 seconds
Executed Test_recursive_substitute_expr()          in   0.000418 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_error()                       in   0.000559 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_last_subst_string()           in   0.000236 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_multiline_pat()               in   0.019373 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_single_line_pat()             in   0.088263 seconds
Executed Test_rex_init()                           in   0.000614 seconds
Executed Test_start_end_of_buffer_match()          in   0.000610 seconds
Executed Test_using_invalid_visual_position()      in   0.000423 seconds
Executed Test_using_mark_position()                in   0.000589 seconds
Executed Test_using_two_engines_pattern()          in   0.000551 seconds
Executed Test_using_visual_position()              in   0.000421 seconds
Executed Test_ze_before_zs()                       in   0.000214 seconds
Executed 33 tests                        in   0.483487 seconds

From test_alot_utf8.vim:
Executed Test_classes_re1()                        in   0.017561 seconds
Executed Test_classes_re2()                        in   0.012937 seconds
Executed Test_combining_chars_in_collection()      in   0.000525 seconds
Executed Test_comparisons()                        in   0.038040 seconds
Executed Test_customlist_completion()              in   0.000431 seconds
Executed Test_detect_ambiwidth()                   in   0.095356 seconds
Executed Test_equivalence_re1()                    in   0.282391 seconds
Executed Test_equivalence_re2()                    in   0.204461 seconds
Executed Test_gap()                                in   0.000685 seconds
Executed Test_getcellwidths()                      in   0.000240 seconds
Executed Test_getvcol()                            in   0.000436 seconds
Executed Test_large_class()                        in   0.000285 seconds
Executed Test_list2str_str2list_latin1()           in   0.000289 seconds
Executed Test_list2str_str2list_utf8()             in   0.000242 seconds
Executed Test_match_char_class_upper()             in   0.000965 seconds
Executed Test_match_illegal_byte()                 in   0.024736 seconds
Executed Test_match_invalid_byte()                 in   0.002416 seconds
Executed Test_match_start_of_line_combining()      in   0.000472 seconds
Executed Test_match_too_complicated()              in   0.000345 seconds
Executed Test_matchstr_multibyte()                 in   0.000270 seconds
Executed Test_mksession_utf8()                     in   0.004885 seconds
Executed Test_multibyte_chars()                    in   0.012761 seconds
Executed Test_optmatch_toolong()                   in   0.001009 seconds
Executed Test_print_overlong()                     in   0.000451 seconds
Executed Test_read_fifo_utf8()                     in   0.028255 seconds
Executed Test_read_stdin_utf8()                    in   0.027962 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_ambiwidth()                   in   0.000274 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_ignore_case()                 in   0.000270 seconds
Executed Test_regexp_multibyte_magic()             in   0.001525 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swo', './.swp']
Executed Test_reversed_range()                     in   0.000367 seconds
Executed Test_screenchar_utf8()                    in   0.000771 seconds
Executed Test_search_cmds()                        in   0.000450 seconds
Executed Test_search_multibyte_match_ascii()       in   0.000806 seconds
Executed Test_search_with_end_offset()             in   0.000438 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_setcellwidths()                      in   0.001373 seconds
Executed Test_setcellwidths_dump()                 in   0.176167 seconds
Executed Test_setcellwidths_with_non_ambiwidth_character_dump() in   0.176054 
Executed Test_source_ctrl_v()                      in   0.002657 seconds
Executed Test_source_latin()                       in   0.003730 seconds
Executed Test_source_utf8()                        in   0.004076 seconds
Executed Test_split_multibyte_to_bytes()           in   0.000388 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_strcharpart()                        in   0.000348 seconds
Executed Test_strchars()                           in   0.000382 seconds
Executed Test_strgetchar()                         in   0.000226 seconds
Executed Test_uppercase_sharp_ss()                 in   0.000472 seconds
Executed Test_visual_block_insert()                in   0.000436 seconds
Executed Test_zz_ambiwidth_hl_dump()               in   0.353992 seconds
Executed 47 tests                        in   1.539177 seconds

From test_alot.vim:
Executed Test_Ex_append()                          in   0.000685 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swo', './.swp']
Executed Test_Ex_append_in_loop()                  in   0.093177 seconds
Executed Test_Ex_emptybuf()                        in   0.000531 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_Ex_escape_enter()                    in   0.000344 seconds
Executed Test_Ex_global()                          in   0.000929 seconds
Executed Test_Ex_shell()                           in   0.023688 seconds
Executed Test_Ex_substitute()                      in   0.135016 seconds
Executed Test_backslash_multiline()                in   0.000555 seconds
Executed Test_backslash_multiline2()               in   0.000445 seconds
Executed Test_backup()                             in   0.009285 seconds
Executed Test_backup2()                            in   0.009556 seconds
Executed Test_backup2_backupcopy()                 in   0.009192 seconds
Executed Test_backup_backupskip()                  in   0.008777 seconds
Executed Test_behave()                             in   0.000251 seconds
Executed Test_behave_completion()                  in   0.000281 seconds
Executed Test_behave_error()                       in   0.000269 seconds
Executed Test_caught_error_in_tabline()            in   0.000339 seconds
Executed Test_compiler()                           in   0.023722 seconds
Executed Test_compiler_commandline()               in   0.037699 seconds
Executed Test_compiler_completion()                in   0.003517 seconds
Executed Test_compiler_error()                     in   0.000323 seconds
Executed Test_compiler_without_arg()               in   0.002931 seconds
Executed Test_empty_command_visual_mode()          in   0.024533 seconds
Executed Test_ex_empty_command_newline()           in   0.000575 seconds
Executed Test_ex_equal()                           in   0.000511 seconds
Executed Test_ex_mode()                            in   0.028263 seconds
Executed Test_ex_mode_count_overflow()             in   0.024505 seconds
Executed Test_ex_mode_errors()                     in   0.000593 seconds
Executed Test_ex_mode_large_indent()               in   0.000463 seconds
Executed Test_ex_mode_with_global()                in   0.031493 seconds
Executed Test_ex_shift_errors()                    in   0.000366 seconds
Executed Test_ex_shift_left()                      in   0.000475 seconds
Executed Test_ex_shift_right()                     in   0.000428 seconds
Executed Test_ex_shift_rightleft()                 in   0.000420 seconds
Executed Test_ex_undo()                            in   0.000544 seconds
Executed Test_existing()                           in   0.000237 seconds
Executed Test_expand()                             in   0.000280 seconds
Executed Test_expand_SID()                         in   0.000227 seconds
Executed Test_expand_env_pathsep()                 in   0.000244 seconds
Executed Test_expand_filename_multicmd()           in   0.000889 seconds
Executed Test_expand_script_source()               in   0.006051 seconds
Executed Test_expand_sfile_and_stack()             in   0.002348 seconds
Executed Test_expand_sflnum()                      in   0.000246 seconds
Executed Test_expand_slnum()                       in   0.000234 seconds
Executed Test_expand_tilde_filename()              in   0.000475 seconds
Executed Test_expand_wildignore()                  in   0.000291 seconds
Executed Test_expandcmd()                          in   0.013634 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_expandcmd_shell_nonomatch()          in   0.002093 seconds
Executed Test_file_perm()                          in   0.002454 seconds
Executed Test_fnamemodify()                        in   0.001094 seconds
Executed Test_fnamemodify_er()                     in   0.000295 seconds
Executed Test_fnamemodify_fail()                   in   0.000253 seconds
Executed Test_ga_command()                         in   0.000871 seconds
Executed Test_glob2regpat_invalid()                in   0.004401 seconds
Executed Test_glob2regpat_valid()                  in   0.000286 seconds
Executed Test_global_empty_pattern()               in   0.000243 seconds
Executed Test_global_error()                       in   0.000274 seconds
Executed Test_global_insert_newline()              in   0.000488 seconds
Executed Test_global_newline()                     in   0.000398 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_global_print()                       in   0.000539 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_global_question_delimiter()          in   0.000451 seconds
Executed Test_global_set_clipboard()               in   0.000247 seconds
Executed Test_global_wrong_delimiter()             in   0.000234 seconds
Executed Test_gp_with_count_leaves_cursor_at_end() in   0.000444 seconds
Executed Test_implicit_print()                     in   0.003273 seconds
Executed Test_insert_after_trailing_bar()          in   0.000454 seconds
Executed Test_interrupt_global()                   in   0.275109 seconds
Executed Test_mouse_click_in_tab()                 in   0.024530 seconds
Executed Test_move()                               in   0.000632 seconds
Executed Test_move_undo()                          in   0.227045 seconds
Executed Test_multibyte_op_end_mark()              in   0.000499 seconds
Executed Test_nested_global()                      in   0.000478 seconds
Executed Test_non_existing_backupdir()             in   0.002642 seconds
Executed Test_not_existing()                       in   0.000255 seconds
Executed Test_open_command()                       in   0.000491 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_open_command_flush_line()            in   0.000460 seconds
Executed Test_p_with_count_leaves_mark_at_end()    in   0.000429 seconds
Executed Test_put_above_first_line()               in   0.000438 seconds
Executed Test_put_block()                          in   0.000440 seconds
Executed Test_put_block_unicode()                  in   0.000427 seconds
Executed Test_put_char_block()                     in   0.000617 seconds
Executed Test_put_char_block2()                    in   0.000441 seconds
Executed Test_put_dict()                           in   0.000408 seconds
Executed Test_put_empty_register()                 in   0.000441 seconds
Executed Test_put_expr()                           in   0.000472 seconds
Executed Test_put_fails_when_nomodifiable()        in   0.000427 seconds
Executed Test_put_in_last_displayed_line()         in   0.115274 seconds
Executed Test_put_lines()                          in   0.000473 seconds
Executed Test_put_list()                           in   0.000406 seconds
Executed Test_put_other_window()                   in   0.115770 seconds
Executed Test_put_p_errmsg_nodup()                 in   0.000330 seconds
Executed Test_put_p_indent_visual()                in   0.000420 seconds
Executed Test_put_visual_block_mode()              in   0.023530 seconds
Executed Test_put_visual_delete_all_lines()        in   0.000417 seconds
Found swap files: ['./.swp']
Executed Test_put_visual_mode()                    in   0.000576 seconds
Executed Test_put_visual_replace_fold_marker()     in   0.000453 seconds
Executed Test_put_visual_replace_whole_fold()      in   0.000438 seconds
Executed Test_read_only()                          in   0.000259 seconds
Executed Test_redrawtabline()                      in   0.001272 seconds
Executed Test_reltime()                            in   0.010405 seconds
Executed Test_searchpos()                          in   0.000550 seconds
Executed Test_set_add()                            in   0.000241 seconds
Executed Test_set_backslash()                      in   0.000299 seconds
Executed Test_set_no_arg()                         in   0.000363 seconds
Executed Test_set_tagcase()                        in   0.000273 seconds
Executed Test_set_termcap()                        in   0.001181 seconds
Executed Test_sha256()                             in   0.002951 seconds
Executed Test_source_sfile()                       in   0.139798 seconds
Executed Test_tabline_20_format_items_no_overrun() in   0.000353 seconds
Executed Test_tabline_empty_group()                in   0.000375 seconds
Executed Test_tabline_flags()                      in   0.001015 seconds
Executed Test_tabline_showcmd()                    in   0.351403 seconds
Executed Test_tabline_truncated_double_width()     in   0.000922 seconds
Executed Test_tabline_will_be_disabled_with_error() in   0.000331 seconds
Executed Test_tagcase()                            in   0.014579 seconds
Executed Test_tagfunc()                            in   0.004360 seconds
Executed Test_tagfunc_callback()                   in   0.016883 seconds
Executed Test_tagfunc_closes_window()              in   0.000552 seconds
Executed Test_tagfunc_settagstack()                in   0.002428 seconds
Executed Test_tagfunc_wipes_buffer()               in   0.000314 seconds
Executed Test_unlet_complete()                     in   0.000368 seconds
Executed Test_unlet_env()                          in   0.009040 seconds
Executed Test_unlet_fails()                        in   0.000346 seconds
Executed Test_version()                            in   0.000541 seconds
Executed Test_version_redirect()                   in   0.000253 seconds
Executed Test_very_large_count()                   in   0.000305 seconds
Executed Test_very_large_count_64bit()             in   0.000290 seconds
Executed Test_very_large_count_block()             in   0.000524 seconds
Executed Test_very_large_count_block_64bit()       in   0.000442 seconds
Executed Test_with_directories()                   in   0.007600 seconds
Executed Test_with_tilde()                         in   0.000379 seconds
Executed Test_wnext()                              in   0.024646 seconds
Executed Test_wprevious()                          in   0.033756 seconds
Executed Test_yank_put_clipboard()                 in   0.000519 seconds
Executed Test_z()                                  in   0.000724 seconds
Executed Test_z_bang()                             in   0.000436 seconds
Executed Test_z_negative_lnum()                    in   0.000264 seconds
Executed Test_z_overflow()                         in   0.000384 seconds
Executed 138 tests                       in   2.099491 seconds
SKIPPED Test_global_set_clipboard(): clipboard_working feature missing
SKIPPED Test_version_redirect(): cannot start the GUI
../vim -u NONE -U NONE --noplugin --not-a-term -S summarize.vim messages --cmd 'au SwapExists * let 
v:swapchoice = "e"' | LC_ALL=C awk '/Executing Test_/{match($0, "([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9] 
*)?Executing Test_[^\\)]*\\)"); print substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH) "\r"; fflush()}'

Test results:

        test_balloon_gui.vim: only works in the GUI
        Test_buffer_scheme(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_goto_buf_with_confirm(): dialog_con_gui feature present
        Test_job_start_windows(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_job_with_list_args(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_no_hang_windows(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_client_server(): not pure X11 environment
        Test_cd_bslash_completion_windows(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_Backtrace_Autocmd(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_Backtrace_CmdLine(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_Backtrace_DefFunction(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_Backtrace_Through_Source(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_Debugger_breakadd_expr(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_DefFunction_expr(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_debug_backtrace_level(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_debug_def_and_legacy_function(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_debug_def_function(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_debug_def_function_with_lambda(): Your CWD has too many characters
        Test_edit_shift_bs(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_mac_locale(): osxdarwin feature missing
        Test_browse(): browse feature missing
        Test_browsedir(): browse feature missing
        Test_executable_longname(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_executable_windows_store_apps(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_glob_extended_mswin(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_resolve_win32(): only works on MS-Windows
        test_gui.vim: cannot start the GUI
        test_gui_init.vim: cannot start the GUI
        Test_xxlast_highlight_RGB_color(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_hlsearch_clipboard(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_iminsert_toggle(): only works in the GUI
        Test_complete_fuzzy_with_completeslash(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_ins_completeslash(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_issue_7021(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_lua_list_table_insert_remove(): Lua version < 5.3
        Test_mksession_winpos(): only works in the GUI
        Test_modeless_characterwise_selection(): clipboard_working feature 
        Test_modeless_line_selection(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_modeless_word_selection(): clipboard_working feature missing
        test_mswin_event.vim: only works on MS-Windows
        test_mzscheme.vim: mzscheme feature missing
        Test_mouse_shape_after_cancelling_gr(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_mouse_shape_after_failed_change(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_normal35_g_cmd4(): output of g< can't be tested currently
        Test_opt_cdhome(): only works on non-Unix
        Test_bind_in_python(): python feature missing
        Test_paste_clipboard(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_popup_and_preview_autocommand(): python feature missing
        Test_popup_select(): clipboard_working feature missing
        test_python2.vim: python feature missing
        test_pyx2.vim: python feature missing
        test_quotestar.vim: clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_clipboard_nul(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_clipboard_regs(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_clipboard_regs_both_unnamed(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_zz_recording_with_select_mode_utf8_gui(): cannot start the GUI
        test_remote.vim: --remote feature is not possible
        Test_shellslash(): shellslash option not supported
        test_shortpathname.vim: only works on MS-Windows
        Test_play_event(): bell event not available
        Test_play_silent(): playing a sound is not working
        Test_background_foreground(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_echo_wid(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_font(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_geometry(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_iconic(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_reverse(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_win32_symlink_dir(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_system_with_shell_quote(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_tabline_tabmenu(): only works in the GUI
        Test_term_mouse_middle_click(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_term_mouse_middle_click_in_cmdline_to_paste(): clipboard_working 
feature missing
        Test_term_mouse_middle_click_insert_mode(): clipboard_working feature 
        test_termdebug.vim: gdb program not executable
        Test_terminal_eof_arg_win32_ctrl_z(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_zz1_terminal_in_gui(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_zz2_terminal_guioptions_bang(): only works in the GUI
        Test_term_modeless_selection(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_balloon_show(): only works in the GUI
        Test_browse(): browse feature missing
        Test_debugbreak(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_mzeval(): mzscheme feature missing
        Test_pyeval(): python feature missing
        Test_remote_expr(): Environment variable DISPLAY is not set
        Test_remote_foreground(): not pure X11 environment
        Test_remote_peek(): Environment variable DISPLAY is not set
        Test_remote_read(): Environment variable DISPLAY is not set
        Test_remote_send(): Environment variable DISPLAY is not set
        Test_remote_startserver(): Environment variable DISPLAY is not set
        Test_server2client(): Environment variable DISPLAY is not set
        Test_test_gui_event(): only works in the GUI
        Test_vim9_comment_gui(): cannot start the GUI
        Test_visual_paste_clipboard(): clipboard_working feature missing
        test_windows_home.vim: only works on MS-Windows
        Test_write_file_encoding(): only works on MS-Windows
        Test_write_with_xattr_support(): setfattr program not executable
        Test_zzz_xdg_runtime_files(): cannot start the GUI
        test_zip_plugin.vim: unzip program not executable
        Test_global_set_clipboard(): clipboard_working feature missing
        Test_version_redirect(): cannot start the GUI

Executed:  6465 Tests
 Skipped:   100 Tests
  FAILED:     4 Tests

        From test_conceal.vim:
        Found errors in Test_conceal_double_width_wrap():
        Run 1, 22:28:55 - 22:29:01:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[607]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_conceal_double_width_wrap[15]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_conceal_double_width_wrap_3.dump"); difference in line 4: "|:+0#0000000&| 
@8|1|,|2|3|-|2|1| @2"
        Run 2, 22:29:03 - 22:29:08:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[642]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_conceal_double_width_wrap[15]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_conceal_double_width_wrap_3.dump"); difference in line 4: "|:+0#0000000&| 
@8|1|,|2|3|-|2|1| @2"
        Run 3, 22:29:10 - 22:29:16:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[642]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_conceal_double_width_wrap[15]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_conceal_double_width_wrap_3.dump"); difference in line 4: "|:+0#0000000&| 
@8|1|,|2|3|-|2|1| @2"
        Flaky test failed too often, giving up
        Found errors in Test_conceal_wrapped_cursorline_wincolor():
        Run 1, 22:29:20 - 22:29:25:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[607]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_conceal_wrapped_cursorline_wincolor[18]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_conceal_cul_wcr_03.dump"); difference in line 4: "|:+0#0000000#ffffff0|s|e|t| 
|n|o|c|u|r|s|o| @9|1|,|4|0| @9|A|l@1| "
        Run 2, 22:29:27 - 22:29:33:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[642]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_conceal_wrapped_cursorline_wincolor[18]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_conceal_cul_wcr_03.dump"); difference in line 4: "|:+0#0000000#ffffff0|s|e|t| 
|n|o|c|u|r|s|o| @9|1|,|4|0| @9|A|l@1| "
        Run 3, 22:29:35 - 22:29:40:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[642]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_conceal_wrapped_cursorline_wincolor[18]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_conceal_cul_wcr_03.dump"); difference in line 4: "|:+0#0000000#ffffff0|s|e|t| 
|n|o|c|u|r|s|o| @9|1|,|4|0| @9|A|l@1| "
        Flaky test failed too often, giving up
        From test_popup.vim:
        Found errors in Test_mouse_popup_position():
        Run 1, 22:31:00 - 22:31:05:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[607]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_mouse_popup_position[23]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_mouse_popup_position_02.dump"); difference in line 20: "|:+0#0000000&|c|a|l@1| 
|T|r|i|g@1|e|r|(|5|0| |+| |1| |-| @9|1|,|4|5| @9|A|l@1| "
        Run 2, 22:31:07 - 22:31:12:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[642]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_mouse_popup_position[23]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_mouse_popup_position_02.dump"); difference in line 20: "|:+0#0000000&|c|a|l@1| 
|T|r|i|g@1|e|r|(|5|0| |+| |1| |-| @9|1|,|4|5| @9|A|l@1| "
        Run 3, 22:31:14 - 22:31:20:
        command line..script /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir/runtest.vim[642]..function 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_mouse_popup_position[23]..VerifyScreenDump line 67: See dump file difference: call 
"testdir/dumps/Test_mouse_popup_position_02.dump"); difference in line 20: "|:+0#0000000&|c|a|l@1| 
|T|r|i|g@1|e|r|(|5|0| |+| |1| |-| @9|1|,|4|5| @9|A|l@1| "
        Flaky test failed too often, giving up
        From test_terminal.vim:
        Found errors in Test_terminal_noblock():
        Run 1, 22:32:56 - 22:33:04:
        command line..script 
 line 1: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 times]//\[z occurs 80 times]'
        command line..script 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_terminal_noblock line 33: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 
        Run 2, 22:33:06 - 22:33:14:
        command line..script 
 line 1: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 times]//\[z occurs 80 times]'
        command line..script 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_terminal_noblock line 33: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 
        Run 3, 22:33:16 - 22:33:24:
        command line..script 
 line 1: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 times]//\[z occurs 80 times]'
        command line..script 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_terminal_noblock line 33: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 
        Run 4, 22:33:26 - 22:33:35:
        command line..script 
 line 1: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 times]//\[z occurs 80 times]'
        command line..script 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_terminal_noblock line 33: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 
        Run 5, 22:33:37 - 22:33:45:
        command line..script 
 line 1: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 times]//\[z occurs 80 times]'
        command line..script 
RunTheTest[57]..Test_terminal_noblock line 33: Pattern 'done' does not match '\[z occurs 80 
        Flaky test failed too often, giving up

make[4]: *** [Makefile:53: report] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3/testdir'
make[3]: *** [Makefile:2193: scripttests] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/vim-gtk3'
make[2]: *** [debian/rules:245: test-vim-gtk3] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
make[1]: *** [debian/rules:211: override_dh_auto_test-arch] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
make: *** [debian/rules:168: binary] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary subprocess returned exit status 2

The above is just how the build ends and not necessarily the most relevant part.
If required, the full build log is available here:

About the archive rebuild: The build was made on virtual machines from AWS,
using sbuild and a reduced chroot with only build-essential packages.

Note: The build does not always fail.

If you could not reproduce the bug please contact me privately, as I
am willing to provide ssh access to a virtual machine where the bug is
fully reproducible.

However, before that, please try GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nr_cpus=1"
because (apparently) the failure rate is higher that way.

If this is really a bug in one of the build-depends, please use
reassign and affects, so that this is still visible in the BTS web
page for this package.


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