
Sorry, for the late reply...

În 16.09.2024 20:58, Christian Boltz a scris:


Am Mittwoch, 11. September 2024, 10:47:28 MESZ schrieb Remus-Gabriel

Please find attached the Romanian translation of the «apparmor» ziped
file (apparmor-binutils, apparmor-parser and apparmor-utils).


AppArmor translations are maintained upstream at
and updated translations should be submitted there.

If you have (or create) a launchpad account, you can update the
translations there. There's also an option to upload updated *.po files.

If you don't have a launchpad account, please tell me - I can upload the
files you sent.

I uploaded them a few days ago (when I found my old launchpad credentials :) ),
as you requested.

Recently, the Weblate-Debian platform has been opened at
at the moment, it doesn't host any translation projects yet; if you
find it more convenient to use this solution that avoids "manual"
announcing of translators,
please let me know so I can subscribe to the project.

We (upstream AppArmor) had some discussions about switching the
translation platform. Since development moved to gitlab.com, integrating
translation handling via launchpad (which still uses bzr) is somewhat
annoying. This also means we are open for changes.

Do you think Debian translators would be willing to contribute to the
AppArmor upstream translations for all languages? If so, using
weblate.debian.net would be a great option :-)

I don't know the exact answer to this question, anyway, Launchpad seems/is a big cave full of bats and thick cobwebs to me :) Coming back to the question, I composed the following message to send to the Debian translation teams and
the person who started the Weblate-Debian project, if you agree with the
content of this message, and sending it.

See attached message (Participation in the Weblate-Debian Apparmor project.eml).

MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 11:36:02 +0200
From: Remus-Gabriel Chelu <remusgabriel.ch...@disroot.org>
To: debian-l10n-alban...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-ara...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-bas...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-cata...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-chin...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-cz...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-dan...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-du...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-engl...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-finn...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-fre...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-galic...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-ger...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-gr...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-ital...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-kann...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-kor...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-malaya...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-pers...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-pol...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-roman...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-russ...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-serb...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-slo...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-span...@lists.debian.org, debian-l10n-swed...@lists.debian.org,
 debian-l10n-vietnam...@lists.debian.org, charlesmel...@riseup.net
Subject: Participation in the Weblate-Debian/Apparmor project
Message-ID: <c26fdc46536d08945c530dd2c9291...@disroot.org>
X-Sender: remusgabriel.ch...@disroot.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Hello everyone,

My name is Remus-Gabriel Chelu, and I am a member of the Romanian team 
translators within the Debian project.

Assuming that the newly released platform, Weblate-Debian (according to 
announcement received from 'Carlos Henrique Lima Melara (charles)' with 
subject "Improving collaboration between publicity team and localization 
<https://lists.debian.org/debian-publicity/2024/08/msg00016.html>) is 
open to
the various pieces of software hosted/sourced from the Debian project,
I added this text:

«Recently, the Weblate-Debian platform has been opened at 
at the moment, it doesn't host any translation projects yet; if you find 
it more
convenient to use this solution that avoids "manual" announcing of 
please let me know so I can subscribe to the project.»,

to the messages to the maintainers of these pieces of software for which
I translated the messages present in their *.po files.

 From the people in charge of the "apparmor" software, I received the 

"We (upstream AppArmor) had some discussions about switching the
translation platform. Since development moved to gitlab.com, integrating
translation handling via launchpad (which still uses bzr) is somewhat
annoying. This also means we are open for changes.

Do you think Debian translators would be willing to contribute to the
AppArmor upstream translations for all languages? If so, using
weblate.debian.net would be a great option 😊";

therefore, I would like to know if any of your team members would be 
to do the translation/update/revision work on this software.

For this, I would ask you to send me a message with the text: "I agree 
participate in this translation project!", or any other text of your 

For Carlos Henrique Lima Melara (charles), from what date is 
expected to be populated with the presented project messages (Debian 


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