Control: tag -1 - unreproducible moreinfo
Control: reassign -1 xfig 1:3.2.9-3
Control: retitle -1 User defined text breaks dimension lines

Hi Giacomo!

On Fri, 23 Aug 2024, Giacomo Boffi wrote:

> My XFig is 3.2.9, and this is how I created test2.fig, the file that
> breaks fig2dev
> 1. open test1.fig with XFig
> 2. add the text "Below a dimension line with user text" somewhere
> 3. select "Polyline drawing" in the left toolbar
> 4. click the button at the right of the bottom toolbar "Dimension
>    line\nline tick=1"
> 5. in the pop-up window that allows to you to define dimension lines
>    properties, select the option "User defined text" at the bottom
> 6. draw a dimension line (shift-left click, left click to end)
> 7. there is a popup, asking for the user text to place in the
>    dimension box of the dimension line, I often see 9.5cm, I always
>    see a "very negative" y coordinate
> 8. save as test2.fig (all these strange numbers inside!)
> 9. fig2dev sees these strange negative numbers and cannot reasonably
>    move on.

Many thanks for your efforts.  Now I can reproduce your problem here
with xfig from Debian as well as with the current upstream GIT
In my test case opening an existing file and adding a text isn't
necessary to trigger the issue.
I also observed the "9.5cm" appearing somewhere at the top of the
canvas (but it's not persistent).
And in the popup with the dimension properties there are very large
negative numbers from the beginning.

> I add that I see the same problem on Debian Sid and on Suse
> Tumbleweed (i.e., the other computer that I've mentioned in my
> previous mail) so it's likely an upstream problem.

I'll just open an issue in the upstream tracker, now that you showed
me a way to reproduce this problem.

Many thanks for tracking this down.


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