
The following integration test in the ansible package is an example that breaks when VERSION gets removed from /etc/os-release in the release cycle:

(ansible_distribution == 'Debian' and ansible_distribution_version is version('8', '>=')

Link to the upstream source: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/5ab5f2348798dc3b9325573d1427b76ca8295386/test/integration/targets/service_facts/tasks/main.yml#L29

In practice this means that autopkgtests for the ansible package start failing after a release when the VERSION variable gets removed.

I believe /etc/os-release should be set VERSION unconditionally. In the absense of those fields I would assume its an ancient release where /etc/os-release was not shipped yet.

While it's theoretically possible to patch around it, the whole point of /etc/os-release is to have such machine-readable information. As there are many such conditionals in the upstream integration tests, and the workaround involves quite a bit of boilerplate, in practice this just means that they get removed by me from the autopkgtests.


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