Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Edward Betts <>

* Package name    : inkbird-ble
  Version         : 0.5.8
  Upstream Author : J. Nick Koston <>
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Parser for INKBIRD BLE devices

  This library supports parsing data from various INKBIRD BLE devices, including
  thermometers and hygrometers. It handles communication over Bluetooth to
  retrieve sensor information. Supported devices include the INKBIRD Bluetooth
  Thermometer IBS-TH1, Bluetooth Pool Thermometer IBS-P01B, Temperature and
  Humidity Hygrometer IBS-TH2, Bluetooth Smart Sensor ITH-12S, and several
  Bluetooth Grill Thermometers, among others. The data retrieved from these
  devices can be used to monitor temperature, humidity, and other metrics.

This library is a dependancy of Home Assistant, the Python smart home platform.
I plan to maintain it as part of the Home Assistant team.

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