Control: tags -1 + confirmed

So, I've been devising on a patch for maybe an hour and a half,
and it grew unreasonably large, like 1973 lines:

        $ wc ctn/debian/patches/gcc-14.patch 
         1973  5066 46624 ctn/debian/patches/gcc-14.patch

Looking through the code base, I see ancien code, stemming from
1992 or so, sometimes with preprocessor branching to accomodate
compilers from the pre-C89 era.  Last upstream update was ten
years ago to accomodate position independent code in gcc 4.

I'm considering dropping the patch and applying compiler options
to ignore the newly introduced fatal errors instead.  Volunteer
time would probably be better spent this way.  Thankfully, C
flags propagation goes rather well, so this is just a matter of
adding the necessary stanza in the d/control file.

Have a nice day,  :)
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <>
 : :' :  pgp: 8f91 b227 c7d6 f2b1 948c  8236 793c f67e 8f0d 11da
 `. `'   sent from /dev/pts/4, please excuse my verbosity
   `-    on air: Dali's Dilemma - Ashen Days

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