I have made an update to the package

1. The configuration file "baby.conf" is no longer stored in "/etc/" but in the user's home directory ~/.baby/config/
This facilitates installation, security and usability in multi-user systems.

2. Features. Now Baby also executes the following actions:

- Function: baby -i <URL>: Import rules from a URL, this is designed to be able to store rules in a repository on the Internet and copy them to the program in a simple way

- Function: baby -i <PATH>: Import rules from a local file, this makes it easy to backup rules and recover them easily

- Feature: baby -e: Deploys a rules export wizard, making it easy to backup rules from the "baby.conf" file to a file on the local system

A syntax of rules has been created to identify and deploy them:
    b:<rule> = <command>:b

A command wizard has been created that checks for defects in the commands entered and alerts the user about possible problems

PS: I know this package isn't of much interest to the community, but I wanted to document the changes


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