tags 1072133 - moreinfo unreproducible reassign 1072133 python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme affects 1072133 + src:metakernel found 1072133 0.8.1-4 fixed 1072133 0.8.1-5 thanks
El 14/7/24 a las 23:20, Yogeswaran Umasankar escribió:
Cannot reproduce the error in sid anymore. Could you please give it a try.
The package builds ok now indeed. But I don't like the idea of closing a bug just because it does not happen anymore. When I reported this, I tried several times on several different machines, and the problem happenes always, so if it's not metakernel it should be somewhere else. So I took a bookworm chroot and upgraded to "sid of 20240528" using these lines: deb [trusted=yes] http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20240528/ sid main deb-src [trusted=yes] http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20240528/ sid main The bug is 100% reproducible there (so I'm removing moreinfo and unreproducible).. Then I upgraded a day at a time until metakernel built again, which happened on 20240613. That day, python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme was upgraded from 0.8.1-4 to 0.8.1-5, so that's where I believe the bug was. (Cc: Sergio Durigan Junior, in case he wants to comment about this, I could be wrong about all the above). (Hopefully metakernel will migrate to testing soon) Thanks.