hi Josh, maintainers,

Josh - thanks for posting this so that the wider community can track
what's happening in Debian in reaction to the opt-out
advertising-tracking telemetry inserted in firefox-128 by Mozilla.

but in the meantime, please set
dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled to "false" in Debian.

(I'm making the assumption that I don't need to make the case *here* for
*why* this API is a bad idea that shouldn't be propagated. If I do need
to make that case, please let me know and I'll take the time to do so,
but for now I'm making the assumption that I'd be preaching to the

Agreed that there's no need to make the case against opt-out telemetry.

It seems to me that a fix is not yet implemented:

$ git describe --long --always --dirty
$ grep -ri attribution debian/ |wc
      0       0       0

Looks like no patches have been proposed yet. I assume that this is the patch 

--- a/modules/libpref/init/StaticPrefList.yaml    2024-07-13 17:41:16.468659401 
+++ b/modules/libpref/init/StaticPrefList.yaml       2024-07-13 
18:43:48.691543856 +0200
@@ -3229,7 +3229,7 @@
 # information should be collected / submitted.
 - name: dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled
   type: bool
-  value: true
+  value: false
   mirror: always

 # Is support for Window.paintWorklet enabled?


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