Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Control: affects -1 src:mozjs128

Package Name: mozjs128
Version: 128.0.0
Upstream Author: Mozilla etc
License: mostly MPL-2.0, other files are licensed under other open
source licenses
Programming Lang: C++

Description: SpiderMonkey JavaScript library
 SpiderMonkey is the code-name for Mozilla Firefox's C++ implementation of
 JavaScript. It is intended to be embedded in other applications
 that provide host environments for JavaScript.
 This library is intended for use in contexts where only trusted
 JavaScript code will be run, such as GNOME's gjs, Cinnamon's cjs, and
 polkit's rules parsing. It should not be used to run untrusted JavaScript
 from web pages: use a security-supported implementation such as Firefox,
 Chrome or WebKitGTK's JavaScriptCore instead.

Other Info
mozjs is the JavaScript engine from Firefox ESR. Today, a new Firefox
ESR series was released. It will be supported by Mozilla for about 14

It is likely but not yet certain that GNOME 47, specifically gjs 1.82,
will switch from mozjs115 to mozjs128. If that happens, the next major
release of Debian (Debian 13 "Trixie") will include mozjs128.

The other user of mozjs* in Debian is Cinnamon, specifically their cjs
fork of gjs. Based on previous history, it is expected that cjs will
continue to use mozjs115 for Debian 13.

mozjs102 will be removed from Debian Unstable once cjs 6.2 reaches
Unstable which is expected to happen "soon".


Jeremy Bícha

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