On Thu, 2 May 2024 13:24:33 +0200 Vincent Lefevre <vinc...@vinc17.net> wrote:

> The "chkrootkit -s" example in the man page is
>   chkrootkit -s '(systemd-netword|NetworkManager|wpa_supplicant)'
> but if an unrecognized packet sniffer is added on one of the
> interfaces, it will not be detected.

can you give an example of what is not detected - i think this should work fine

(you've definitely spotted some typos and unclear language in the man-page which
will be fixed, but im not sure there is a functionality bug here -- i
suspect  it's just
that the man-page was too confusing!)

> And "where the argument lists whicher managers you expect to be
> present" is confusing (BTW, "whicher" is wrong).

yes, thanks for reporting this - will improve the wording.

> The match is
> not done on individual managers, but on the whole line output
> by ifpromisc.

this is correct, and we should add it to the manpage, but:

> If I understand correctly, it should be something more like
>   chkrootkit -s '^[[:alnum:]]+: PACKET 
> SNIFFER\(((/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-networkd|/usr/sbin/(dhclient|dhcpc?d[0-9]*|wpa_supplicant|NetworkManager))\[[0-9]+\](,
>  )?)+\)$'
> (inspired by the default FILTER).

while this is a more 'technically correct' way for sure, but any line
matching the regexp is removed from the output, so the example in the
man-page does work (at the risk of matching 'too much') -- can you
explain what doesn't work?

(there are some grammar issues which will be fixed, but i think the
example works, unless i am missing something)

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