Source: scipy Version: 1.12.0-2 Severity: normal Control: forwarded -1
loong64 is failing the TestQuad.test_complex test from the integrate tests. The failure only started recently, the test was passing before 14 June. I'm not certain what changed. The gcc version is the same. Build logs (building scipy 1.13.1) can be found at e.g. Only this one test is failing on loong64, but the error looks serious enough to report rather than skip and ignore. We may need loong64 porters to step in and help. For comparison, the test is still passing on MIPS64 (mips64el), The error message is: ____________________________ TestQuad.test_complex _____________________________ E AssertionError: Items are not equal: ACTUAL: 230.90706003885032 DESIRED: 32.986722862692815 All traceback entries are hidden. Pass `--full-trace` to see hidden and internal frames. During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: self = <scipy.integrate.tests.test_quadpack.TestQuad object at 0x7fffe9cb2540> def test_complex(self): def tfunc(x): return np.exp(1j*x) assert np.allclose( quad(tfunc, 0, np.pi/2, complex_func=True)[0], 1+1j) # We consider a divergent case in order to force quadpack # to return an error message. The output is compared # against what is returned by explicit integration # of the parts. kwargs = {'a': 0, 'b': np.inf, 'full_output': True, 'weight': 'cos', 'wvar': 1} res_c = quad(tfunc, complex_func=True, **kwargs) res_r = quad(lambda x: np.real(np.exp(1j*x)), complex_func=False, **kwargs) res_i = quad(lambda x: np.imag(np.exp(1j*x)), complex_func=False, **kwargs) > np.testing.assert_equal(res_c[0], res_r[0] + 1j*res_i[0]) E AssertionError: E Items are not equal: E ACTUAL: (230.90706003885032+1.1655968375567166e-15j) E DESIRED: (32.986722862692815+1.1655968375567166e-15j) kwargs = {'a': 0, 'b': inf, 'full_output': True, 'weight': 'cos', ...} res_c = ((230.90706003885032+1.1655968375567166e-15j), (292.1681167840555+5.585367613532157e-15j), {'imag': ({'erlst': array([...ure invoked on this cycle. It is assumed that the result on this interval is the best which can be obtained.', ...})}) res_i = (1.1655968375567166e-15, 5.585367613532157e-15, {'erlst': array([4.82013969e-18, 3.89507855e-16, 4.53618857e-17, 1.498... 1038530212, -1073741824, 1042556203, -2147483648, 1041689581], dtype=int32), 'lst': 6, 'neval': 150, ...}) res_r = (32.986722862692815, 2.0517814695912247e-10, {'erlst': array([2.05135975e-11, 2.05139675e-11, 2.05132276e-11, 2.051267... 1049296283, -778100732, 1048957913, -1583113503, 1049668002], dtype=int32), 'lst': 7, 'neval': 525, ...}) self = <scipy.integrate.tests.test_quadpack.TestQuad object at 0x7fffe9cb2540> tfunc = <function TestQuad.test_complex.<locals>.tfunc at 0x7fffdb430040> scipy/integrate/tests/ AssertionError