Control: tags -1 - moreinfo Hello Phil,
W: udcli: groff-message troff:<standard input>:100: warning: cannot select font 'C' [usr/share/man/man1/udcli.1.gz:3]
The lintian warning "cannot select font 'c'", is because of an issue with 'pandoc': I use pandoc to generate the man page for the CLI tool 'hyprpaper', built from this package. As far as I understand it, this warning is benign and should fix itself when we have a newer version of pandoc in Debian.
3. Licenses check: ISSUES
Added HPND-sell-variant to d/copyright.
Consider disabling dh verbose mode ...
Done. I have implemented the above changes and pushed a new version to mentors. Thanks & Regards, Alan On 6/19/24 05:52, Phil Wyett wrote:
Control: tags -1 + moreinfo Hi all, Thanks for taking time to create this package and your contribution to Debian. Review... 1. Build: OK 2. Lintian: WARNINGS W: hyprpaper: groff-message troff:<standard input>:5: warning: cannot select font 'CB' [usr/share/man/man1/hyprpaper.1.gz:1] N: N: A manual page provoked warnings or errors from the man program. Here are N: some common ones: N: N: "cannot adjust" or "can't break" are issues with paragraph filling. They N: are usually related to long lines. Justifying text on the left hand side N: can help with adjustments. Hyphenation can help with breaks. N: N: For more information, please see "Manipulating Filling and Adjusting" and N: "Manipulating Hyphenation" in the Groff manual (see info groff). N: N: "can't find numbered character" usually means that the input was in a N: national legacy encoding. The warning means that some characters were N: dropped. Please use escapes such as \[:a] as described on the groff_char N: manual page. N: N: Other common warnings are formatting typos. String arguments to .IP N: require quotes. Usually, some text is lost or mangled. See the groff_man N: (or groff_mdoc if using mdoc) manual page for details on macros. N: N: The check for manual pages uses the --warnings option to man to catch N: common problems, like a . or a ' at the beginning of a line as literal N: text. They are interpreted as Groff commands. Just reformat the paragraph N: so the characters are not at the beginning of a line. You can also add a N: zero-width space (\&) in front of them. N: N: Aside from overrides, warnings can be disabled with the .warn directive. N: Please see "Debugging" in the Groff manual. N: N: You can see the warnings yourself by running the command used by Lintian: N: N: LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 MANROFFSEQ='' MANWIDTH=80 \ N: man --warnings -E UTF-8 -l -Tutf8 -Z <file> >/dev/null N: N: Please refer to the groff_man(7) manual page and the groff_mdoc(7) manual N: page for details. N: N: Visibility: warning N: Show-Always: no N: Check: documentation/manual N: Renamed from: manpage-has-errors-from-man N: 3. Licenses check: ISSUES philwyett@ks-windu:~/Development/builder/debian/mentoring/hyprpaper-0.7.0$ lrc en: Versions: recon 1.10.1 check 3.3.9-1 Parsing Source Tree .... Reading copyright .... Running licensecheck .... d/copyright | licensecheck BSD-3-Clause | HPND-sell-variant and/or NTP~disclaimer protocols/wlr-layer- shell-unstable-v1.xml 4. Build Twice (sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc): OK 5. Install (No previous installs): OK 6. Upgrade (Over previous installs if any): N/A Additional... A. 'debian/control'' While not a warning as yet. Please consider updating 'Standards-Version' to latest 4.7.0. B. 'debian/rules' Consider disabling dh verbose mode for packages to be uploaded to Debian. This can be done by adding a '#' to the start of line 2 or changing 'export DH_VERBOSE = 1' to 'export DH_VERBOSE = 0'. Please consider addressing the issues raised where applicable and remove the 'moreinfo' tag when doing next/fixed upload. Regards Phil