Philipp Kern:
On 15.06.24 14:06, Niels Thykier wrote:
Had a chat today with Johannes in #debian-devel, who asked about their
package's state and the related Dep-Wait action. While trying to
figure this out, I realized that it is not possible to see who
scheduled the action at all when looking the buildd status page:
Even with access to the `wb info` command, there is no field
describing who requested the action. Only when it happened.
Could we please add the username of who requested the action for human
initiated actions?
What you were looking for is this - which requires DB access, but that's
also true for wanna-build in the first place:
select * from transactions where package = 'botch' and state = 'Dep-Wait';
In case it is relevant, I do not have access to the `transactions` table
(only the *_public ones):
wanna-build=> select * from transactions where package = 'botch' and
state = 'Dep-Wait';
ERROR: permission denied for table transactions
I thought we do record the username of the account (can also be the
buildd's account) that set a Dep-Wait (just like Failed, where I was
sure) and a quick query on the packages table seems to confirm that. Of
course this information is pruned when the state is reset, so I could
not check what you have seen. From something like "wb info ffmpeg .
hurd-i386 . -d experimental" I see this:
* ffmpeg/hurd-i386
| ffmpeg:
| Package : ffmpeg
| Version : 7:7.0.1-1
| Builder : buildd_hurd-i386-mahler
| State : Dep-Wait
And the builder account is what set it. So I don't know what happened
here. Or if you have another example that was not yet touched.
Kind regards
Philipp Kern
In my case, I looked up `wb info botch . amd64` which gives
$ wb info botch . amd64
* botch/amd64
| botch:
| Package : botch
| Version : 0.24-4
| Builder : buildd_amd64-x86-csail-01
| State : Installed
| Section : misc
| Priority : optional
| Installed-Version : 0.24-4
| Previous-State : Uploaded
| State-Change : 2024-06-15 15:31:56.677949
| Build-time : 4579
| CalculatedPri : 39
| component : main
| Distribution : sid
| Notes : out-of-date
| State-Days : 0
| State-Time : 1682
| Success-build-time : 4579
At the time I saw it originally, it was in the `Dep-Wait` state as well,
which also did not have a human operator. Either way, we do not have a
human operator that we can ask about who scheduled the underlying binNMU. :)
I know that *most* of the time, it would be someone from the RT and I
can dumpster dive the d-release list or #d-release IRC channel, but it
feels backwards to not be able to tell who triggered the last
binNMU/give-back (without having to call on a admin)
Though, it might be that the answer is that we can solve this via a
"transactions_public" VIEW. I have no idea how feasible that is.
Best regards,