
Quoting Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues (2024-06-15 14:03:34)
> So the reason for why there is no a tools package is, that I argued that it
> would be nice if the tools found in /usr/bin would not be part of the -dev
> package but in its own package to decrease the number of dependencies.
> If the -dev package starts depending on the tools package, this advantage 
> would
> be lost.
> How about doing a rebuild of the reverse dependencies of yojson and see what
> breaks? My gut feeling is, that botch is the only one affected by this.
> Julien, do you want to take care of that rebuild or should I?

I found the following reverse dependencies: belenios botch camlp5
camlp5-buildscripts coq-serapi eliom elpi frama-c haxe hol-light js-of-ocaml
js-of-ocaml-ocamlbuild lablgtk3 lambda-term ledit liquidsoap morbig morsmall
nss-passwords nurpawiki ocaml-atd ocaml-base64 ocaml-bos ocaml-ca-certs
ocaml-cohttp ocaml-conduit ocaml-logs ocaml-merlin ocaml-mirage-crypto
ocaml-mtime ocaml-pbkdf ocaml-ptime ocaml-x509 ocplib-simplex ocsigenserver
ocsipersist orpie ppx-deriving-yojson utop wyrd zeroinstall-injector

I built them all using sbuild in unstable and found the following to fail:

botch: #1073199
coq-serapi: 1073269
elpi: #1073275

Gianfranco just NMU-ed botch, so #1073199 should be taken care of. Julien
maintains elpi, so they probably can figure out how to fix this. The build log
of coq-serapi might indicate that something in the last yojson upload (which
included an upstream version bump) broke it. Can you investigate?

In summary: I do not think that a Depends from the dev package on the tools
package is needed. Adrian, do you agree?


cheers, josch

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