Source: r-cran-testthat Version: 3.2.1-1 Severity: serious User: Usertags: regression
Hi Maintainer Sometime around 2024-02-27, r-cran-testthat's autopkgtest regressed in testing [1]. I've copied what I hope is the relevant part of the log below. Regards Graham [1] 105s ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ 105s ── Error ('test-mock2.R:62:1'): can mock bindings in another package ─────────── 105s Error in `call_type(call)`: corrupt language object 105s ── Failure ('test-reporter-list.R:54:3'): exercise ListReporter ──────────────── 105s expectation_type(res[[4]]$results[[1]]) (`actual`) not identical to "failure" (`expected`). 105s 105s `actual`: "warning" 105s `expected`: "failure" 105s ── Failure ('test-reporter-list.R:57:3'): exercise ListReporter ──────────────── 105s df$error (`actual`) not equal to c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) (`expected`). 105s 105s `actual[2:5]`: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE 105s `expected[2:5]`: FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 105s ── Failure ('test-reporter-debug.R:51:3'): debug reporter is not called for successes ── 105s get_frame_from_debug_reporter(2, success_fun) is not NULL 105s 105s `actual` is an environment 105s `expected` is NULL 105s ── Failure ('test-srcrefs.R:19:3'): line numbers captured for expectations and warnings ── 105s `lines` (`actual`) not equal to c(2, 3) (`expected`). 105s 105s `actual`: 2 2 3 105s `expected`: 2 3 105s ── Failure ('test-srcrefs.R:32:3'): line numbers captured when called indirectly ── 105s `lines` (`actual`) not equal to 4 (`expected`). 105s 105s `actual`: 4 4 105s `expected`: 4 105s ── Failure ('test-srcrefs.R:42:3'): line numbers captured when called indirectly ── 105s `lines` (`actual`) not equal to 5 (`expected`). 105s 105s `actual`: 5 5 105s `expected`: 5 105s ── Failure ('test-srcrefs.R:51:3'): line numbers captured inside a loop ──────── 105s `lines` (`actual`) not equal to rep(2, 4) (`expected`). 105s 105s `actual[2:8]`: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 105s `expected[2:4]`: 2 2 2 105s ── Error ('test-test-that.R:55:5'): infinite recursion is captured ───────────── 105s <expressionStackOverflowError/stackOverflowError/error/condition> 105s Error: evaluation nested too deeply: infinite recursion / options(expressions=)? 105s Backtrace: 105s ▆ 105s 1. ├─testthat::with_reporter(...) at test-test-that.R:54:3 105s 2. │ └─base::tryCatch(...) 105s 3. │ └─base (local) tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers) 105s 4. │ └─base (local) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]]) 105s 5. │ └─base (local) doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) 105s 6. ├─withr::with_options(...) at test-test-that.R:55:5 105s 7. │ └─base::force(code) 105s 8. ├─testthat::test_that(...) 105s 9. │ └─testthat::local_test_context() 105s 10. │ └─testthat::local_reproducible_output(.env = .env) 105s 11. │ └─withr::local_language(lang, .local_envir = .env) 105s 12. │ └─withr:::check_language_envvar("LC_ALL") 105s 13. │ └─base::warning(...) 105s 14. ├─base::.signalSimpleWarning(...) 105s 15. │ └─base::withRestarts(...) 105s 16. │ └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]]) 105s 17. │ └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart) 105s 18. ├─testthat (local) `<fn>`(`<smplWrnn>`) 105s 19. │ └─rlang::cnd_entrace(e) 105s 20. │ └─rlang::trace_back(top = top, bottom = bottom) 105s 21. │ └─rlang:::map(calls, call_zap_inline) 105s 22. │ └─base::lapply(.x, .f, ...) 105s 23. │ └─rlang (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...) 105s 24. └─rlang:::call_type_sum(x) 105s 25. ├─rlang::sym(sprintf("<%s>", rlang_type_sum(x))) 105s 26. │ └─rlang::is_symbol(x) 105s 27. ├─base::sprintf("<%s>", rlang_type_sum(x)) 105s 28. └─rlang:::rlang_type_sum(x) 105s 29. └─rlang::is_installed("pillar") 105s 30. └─rlang:::detect_installed(info) 105s 31. ├─rlang:::list_c(...) 105s 32. │ └─rlang::inject(c(!!!x)) 105s 33. │ └─rlang::enexpr(expr) 105s 34. └─rlang:::pmap(...) 105s 35. └─rlang:::.rlang_purrr_args_recycle(.l) 105s 36. └─rlang:::map_int(args, length) 105s 37. └─rlang:::.rlang_purrr_map_mold(.x, .f, integer(1), ...) 105s 38. └─base::vapply(.x, .f, .mold, ..., USE.NAMES = FALSE) 105s ── Failure ('test-test-that.R:102:3'): no braces required in testthat 2e ─────── 105s `test_that("", expect_true(TRUE))` generated warnings: 105s * Changing language has no effect when envvar LC_ALL='C.UTF-8' 105s 105s [ FAIL 10 | WARN 1412 | SKIP 122 | PASS 819 ] 105s Deleting unused snapshots: 105s • R4.0/snapshot-file/version.txt 105s • R4.1/snapshot-file/version.txt 105s • R4.2/snapshot-file/version.txt 105s • R4.3/snapshot-file/version.txt 105s • snapshot-file/a.txt 105s • snapshot-file/foo.csv 105s • snapshot-file/foo.png 105s • snapshot-file/foo.r 105s • snapshot-file/secret.txt 106s Error: Test failures 106s Execution halted