Hi John - are there any other packages that support such PDF functionality?
AcroTeX et al. are problematic not just because of the reader end, but also because of the writer end, some of which required Adobe software. The author (Donald Story) was (understandably) not interested in teasing out the proprietary-required stuff from the non-proprietary-required stuff. He eventually told me "just don't put my packages in TeX Live". He passed away in 2022, and I haven't seen any notes about further development from other people. His work, all in all, is quite a complex set of packages and figuring out what can be done isn't something I'm ever going to be able to take on. P.S. I'm having trouble subscribing, so please CC me on replies. If you want me to subscribe you to the tex-live list by hand, no problem. I had to put up a lot of barriers on the subscription page due to subscribe bombers. --thanks, karl.