
The scripts in explain/ ought to be run inside the chroot.

The systemd script for example was already adapted to work without a
running init.

This could be done with chroot() and a bind mount of /usr/libexec/cruft or
alternatively modifying every script to support DPKG_ROOT.

I think option 1 will require root while option 2 will work in the non-root
mode too.

I slightly prerer option 2 which allows more case-by-case handling.

You can fork this on Salsa which is now the main repository.



Le dim. 2 juin 2024, 20:41, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspri...@debian.org> a
écrit :

> * Alexandre Detiste <alexandre.deti...@gmail.com> [2024-06-02 12:54]:
> >I'm impressed ! This will get merged.
> \o/
> I have also implemented a --root option to check chroot, see the
> attached patch.

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