* Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org> [2024-04-16 09:06]:
I agree with Cory, to me looks also a regression in thrust

I'm trying some hacky patch, lets see

Description: Reintroduce fallback lost in 
Author: Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org>
Last-Update: 2024-04-16

--- rocthrust-5.7.1.orig/thrust/detail/type_traits.h
+++ rocthrust-5.7.1/thrust/detail/type_traits.h
@@ -731,6 +731,8 @@ using invoke_result_t =
#else // 2017+
  ::cuda::std::invoke_result_t<Invokable, Args...>;
+  std::invoke_result_t<Invokable, Args...>;

template <class F, class... Us>

Thanks for the patch and upstream PR. If that does not pan out, I could split stdgpu into two separate (source) packages to have the openmp backend built against libthrust-dev. I prefer your solution, though.


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