On 2024-02-01 22:09, Craig Small wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Dec 2023 at 06:15, Rob Janssen <deb...@pe1chl.nl> wrote:
>     After the upgrade, the snmptrapd service no longer starts.
>     The error message is: couldn't open udp:162 -- errno 13 ("Permission 
> denied")
> Could you tell me how you start snmptrapd?
> There are two ways:
> The default systemd way. The socket is created with a snmptrap.socket and 
> then passed onto the snmpdtrap server. I have tested this just now and it 
> works fine with 5.9.4
> The init way. In this case snmptrapd starts as root and changes to 
> Debian-snmp after binding to the sockets.
I am using systemd.

>     To cover possible upgrade issues I removed and purged the snmptrapd 
> package
>     and re-installed it, but the new install suffered the same issue.
> What, specifically, are you doing to see this message? Running what you see 
> in the service file on the command line won't work and will give this result.
At first I just upgraded a bullseye system where everything was working, to 
bookworm, and it failed to start snmptrapd.
Then I did the uninstall/re-install of snmptrapd and it still failed.

Maybe the issue is that this system does not have IPv6 enabled?  In sysctl.conf 
it has:
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

That has effect on the default snmpd service as well, but I work around that by 
modifying the listen
port in the config file.
The snmptrapd.service file has "udp:162" and "udp6:162" args in the ExecStart 
but maybe these aren't used at all
in this config?  In bullseye I think it worked out of the box.

It would be more friendly when snmpd and snmptrapd degrade gracefully to 
IPv4-only when there is no IPv6 on the system.


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